Find Love On Valentine's Night

While Valentine’s Day can feel a little alienating, Valentine’s Night can be the perfect time to meet someone special. We have been blessed this year with a Friday night V Day. Your city will be filled with eligible singles at every bar, lounge or restaurant. Make a point to grab a few single friends and make a fun night out of it. You already have the perfect ice breaker - make a little joke about meeting on Valentine’s Day. It’s cute and will open the door to start a conversation with someone you find attractive. You don’t even have to worry about if they are single or not because there is a good chance they are if they are at a bar with friends.

The most important thing you need to take out with you is a good attitude. You can wear the most amazing outfit, have the freshest haircut but not meet anyone at all because you are coming across as negative. It truly doesn’t matter what you wear if you don’t wear a smile with it. We all get down about being single every now and then - I most certainly do - but you have to truly believe there will be someone out there for you or there is no point in even trying. It would be better to stay home and work on yourself than go out with a bad attitude and become even more jaded because you didn’t meet anyone. It is a never-ending cycle if you keep doing that! Get your mind in a good place and you will be much more likely to meet someone soon. Energy attracts like energy and if you are a negative person, you will attract other negative people. As the old saying goes, “misery loves company”. Do whatever is necessary to go out with a positive state of mind. Maybe call a good friend who is a very positive person, go for a run or do your favorite workout class or do a quick 15-minute meditation to balance yourself. Do anything that will help you get out of your funk and into the right state of mind to go out and meet some other eligible singles.

Secondly, go to places where you could meet people you would actually be interested in dating. If you’re someone who loves whiskeys maybe go to a whiskey bar and see who you meet there. You will most likely find someone who also loves your favorite kind of drink. If you’re in your upper 30s, go to bars where you could meet people in the age range you are looking to date in. Sports bars in Murray Hill will guarantee you meet people 15 years younger than you. Go to the bar at a nice restaurant in Gramercy where you could meet someone in your age range. Be a proactive dater! You wouldn’t be passive in your career so you shouldn’t also be passive in your personal life.

When you see someone you would be interested in chatting with, find an opportunity to start a conversation. Maybe wait until they reach the bar and find a way to stand next to them. Ask them who their Valentine is and see what they say. Maybe they’ll say something cute about it maybe being you! If that’s too forward for you, simply ask them what they are drinking. That’s a very easy and low impact opener. It doesn’t really matter what you say but how you say it. You’re not trying to get anything from them. You’re simply spreading positive energy and genuinely want to start a conversation to get to know them. People can tell if you are coming off as someone trying to sell something, whether it be a product or yourself. That energy will make the other person run for the hills. If you start the conversation by just smiling and authentically asking them a question, you will receive a response back in that same energy. If the other person doesn’t seem to reciprocate, that’s fine! it’s not personal! Move on and chat with someone else. Don’t be discouraged if the first person you say hello to doesn’t want to stop and have a long conversation with you. Dating is a bit of a numbers game so you have to roll with the punches.

Don’t let this AMAZING opportunity go by without going out and putting yourself out there. You won’t meet anyone sitting at home!



Anna Morgenstern