Dating For The Long Haul

I sat down with a good friend who recently got married and we chatted about the qualities that are important in a long-term partner. She was telling me about the guys she dated before her husband and even a time she wasn’t sure if he was the right one for her either. Understanding the qualities and characteristics of the best long-term partner for you will save you lots of time and get you to the right person faster. If you see that your partner is missing a fundamental quality, see if that’s something you two can work on together or maybe you will realize it’s time to move on.

We both, at one point, wrote down the qualities that are important to us in a future partner. She realized her husband fit everything she wrote down, before she ever met him. When we sit down and physically write out the things we want, it’s like we’re sending a message to the universe to help bring that person to us. One person may not have every single thing you want but they should have all of the important stuff, the non-negotiables. Those are items that you cannot compromise on. You might have quite a few “nice-to-haves” and maybe only five absolute must haves but the person you’re dating should represent all of those five items.

For myself, I looked through the list I made last year and realized that my last relationship didn’t have some of my must haves. I wrote down the qualities that were important to me and filed them away, never seeing them again until recently. I’m going to take my list and have it visible so every day I remind myself what’s important to me and never stray from my must haves. I strongly encourage you do the same!

Another friend decided to create a vision board for the year to come back in January, which is displayed proudly in her bedroom. Since then, almost everything she put on that board has manifested. I’m not an expert in energy work but I can tell you that if you remind yourself every day of what you want and deserve, you’ll be much closer to finding it.

This may sound cliche but get a group of friends together and create your vision boards together. Your friends might have some objective insights for you that could help you get closer to your goals. I used to think the whole idea was rather silly but I have seen the power behind it and have seen people get everything they want by just putting it out there in the universe.

If you’re sick of relationships that end three to six months because you two weren’t quite right for each other, make your list of qualities and create a vision board. What does your life look like? Where are you living? Will there be children? How does this life feel? Make sure to display it somewhere visible to you so you never lose track of your goals.



Anna Morgenstern