Dating During Corona

This is certainly an unprecedented time to be alive! We are being told to stay home and practice social distancing. And while we shouldn’t frequent places with large groups of people, your personal life doesn’t need to be completed halted. People are home, bored and swiping left and right. While most of us are still working, just from home now, we have more free time than ever since we aren’t traveling, going to the gym, meeting friends out for dinner or any other excuse you can think of to not focus on your dating life.

While most cities around the world are closing down restaurants and bars, there are still ways to meet one another. I don’t usually encourage dating apps but this is a great time to give them a shot! You’ll see a huge surge in dating app activity this week so make time to go on there and start some conversations. You might not be able to meet for a drink but you can still grab a coffee and go on a walk or grab a bottle of wine and sit at a park. There are still ways to connect in person that are safe during this time. If you don’t feel comfortable leaving your home at all then opt for a video date. Don’t halt all dating efforts completely because we will go back to normal eventually - it just might take a little time.

New Yorkers are always so busy and on the go that we rarely prioritize finding a relationship. Now that we’re forced to stay put, we can actually take time to get to know someone. Since we can’t get wasted at a bar until 1 am on a date, we can actually go on long walks or talk on the phone and create more meaningful connections.

If your city is recommending you stay home then, by all means, stay home and go on FaceTime dates instead. You can still build a connection over video chat and meet in real life once it’s safer to do so. We've never been through anything like this before in our lifetime so this is new territory for us. When we’re feeling alone and isolated, that’s when we need human connection the most.

If there’s someone you are hoping to reconnect with, this might be a good time for that as well. We don’t know what the future holds so don’t take a single day for granted. Let the people you love know they are loved by you. We are always prioritizing work over everything else but we are being reminded right now that our health is the most important thing. That includes physical, emotional and mental health. Work seems less important in times like this so take care of yourself and loved ones first. Humans aren’t meant to live alone so if you don’t live with anyone else, make a point to cook dinner or watch a movie at a friend’s apartment. Have them invite a single friend for you :)

This is also a great time to work on yourself. Did you set NYE resolutions that you haven’t worked towards yet? Since we’re forced to spend time indoors, learn to cook healthy recipes or do your favorite workouts from your phone by downloading JetSweat. They are even offering my community a free month with the code ANNA when you sign up on! Take this time to become an even better version of yourself. Our reality right now is less than ideal but we can use this time to focus on ourselves in a healthy and positive way. By doing this, you’ll attract someone who is also bettering themselves, rather than a doomsday downer. Law of Attraction is real! Stay positive and spread the positive vibes to others.

Take care of yourselves out there!



Anna Morgenstern